Book a small cruise ship or ferry south to Sullivan Island State Marine Park, easily accessible from Haines. A jaunt across the Lynn Canal will bring you to this isolated, small island located between Juneau and Haines. Just 20 miles from Haines, the sprawling 2,720-acre state park offers two bays with access. However, during the winter months the winds can be harsh and can make anchoring a challenge. Kayaks offer the best access, but make sure to bring them well above high tide onto the rocky beaches.

Only experienced boaters should travel to Sullivan on their own. Weather conditions can change quickly in this part of Alaska. However, it’s worth the trouble if fishing is on your itinerary. Keep in mind that sport fishing isn’t allowed within 300 feet of fish weirs, and snagging isn’t allowed in Alaskan fresh waters. For the best experience, book a Haines tour guide for fishing outings.

Exploring Wild Alaska

Many travelers seek out Sullivan for hiking, and it’s always best to hike with at least one other person. Exposure is a threat in any part of Alaska, and particularly with winter winds. Cold-water swimming is also surprisingly popular with the right gear, and the rocky beaches make for an accessible shoreline.

Sullivan is open year round. If you’re looking for a unique day trip that offers beauty, solitude, and is just a short trip from Haines, it’s the perfect destination.