Head north up the peninsula to the sprawling Haines State Forest. The massive forest includes 286,000 acres, all managed by the Division of Forestry. It includes the Chilkoot and Chilkat watersheds as well as the Ferebee rivers. Haines Forest is a transitional zone, located between the dry, chilly Interior and the rainy coastal climate. This makes it perfect for a rich variety of flora and fauna, and a favorite for photographers and nature lovers.

The hilly terrain ranges from sea level all the way to 7,000+ feet. Avid hikers will be challenged with changing altitude, and you’ll be treated to two types of forest. Discover the beauty of the western hemlock and Sitka spruce, as well as the black cottonwood and willow. You’ll also find lodgepole pine and paper birch throughout Haines Forest.

Green Living

The State Forest is committed to timber harvest, and 42,000 acres are dedicated to the harvest. Every year, about 5.88 million board feet are harvested here. Regeneration occurs naturally, but replanting has been a strategy since the 70s. You’ll also find prospectors in the area who know of the rich minerals.

At Haines Forest, you can enjoy fishing, hunting, hiking, berry-picking and winter sports during the colder months. Tours are offered year-round. You might spy moose, bears, wolves, otters, mountain goats and more. The best way to explore is with a reputable tour company, which your front desk staff can help to secure.