The Chilkoot River is located in Southeast Alaska, United States. It stretches around 20 miles from its source and covers a 100-square-mile watershed. The source of this river is in the Takshanuk Mountains to the west and the Freebee glacier and unnamed mountains to the east. Now, let us know more about this natural beauty. Keep on reading. 

Its Wonderful History

“Chilkoot” comes from a Tlingit phrase that means “without a storehouse”. The Chilkoot village existed near the outlet of the Chilkoot River and then divided into two parts by the river. The Raven clan Tlingits was on the western part, while the Eagle clan Tlingits was on the eastern part. During pre-historic days, Tlingits used hooligan fish to make fish oil and cooked the fish in a canoe lined with hot rocks.

Abundant Forest Life

During May through September, bald eagles are reported to be visible on trees. Aside from this, Brown Bears can be seen feeding in the river on salmon, which is mostly during spring and early summer. There is a plaque displayed on the right bank of the Chilkoot River that reads “Salmon Forest”. Highlight on this plaque is the importance of the salmon in the food chain of bears, eagles, crows, ravens and other mammals and birds that live in the forest. 


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The Chilkoot Lake as Recreation Site

The recreation area on the Chilkoot Lake’s southern banks is accessible along the Lukat-Chilkoot River Roads. It is also known as the Bear Highway as brown bears frequently visit this road searching for coho and pink salmon. During the months of September and October, this river is popular for coho salmon fishing. In late July and August, it is pink salmon, chum salmon, Dolly Varden and sockeye fishing throughout the summer and fall.


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