Forget Comic-Con—what about Platypus-Con? Tickets start at just $10 for this weekend-long event featuring contests, board games, tournaments and the biggest lending library Juneau has ever seen. Tickets are available on the Platypus Gaming site, and the event kicks off January 27th at the Juneau Arts and Culture Center (JACC).

Now in its third year, Platypus-Con has proven to be a staple within the Juneau gaming community. “Some of the most memorable moments in our lives have been around the table playing games with friends,” notes the Platypus owners. This event is all about bringing gamers together, but also introducing the world to newbies. It’s a social experience you can’t miss.

Game On

This three-day weekend features game demonstrations for all levels. Sign up on site to learn the basics of a new game, or join a group to discuss advanced levels of your favorite board game or RPG. There are many play-to-win tournaments, and a free MTG gathering on Saturday is a favorite event.

All tournaments offer an optional training session. On Friday, learn and play Rhino Hero, or check out the Ticket to Ride and King of New York tournament on Saturday. Settlers of Catan takes center stage on Sunday.

Special events, including surprise appearances, are part of what make Platypus-Con so popular. Which game has stolen your heart?