Bears are famous for their adorable features. It is the same with having a pet cat or a dog, they all look so lovable with their furry features and their cute expressions. These creatures are part of the wild. When you visit Alaska, here are the different types of bears that you might encounter:

Grizzly Bears

The most common type of bear that you will find in Alaska are the “Grizzly Bears”. Grizzly bears are also known as “Brown Bears” because of their color, but they are a bit lighter than brown. They are smaller but their feet are twice the size of a black bear’s feet. Brown bears are intelligent mammals. Their brains are bigger in proportion to their body and they have excellent navigation skills that you might want to ask for directions when you are lost in the forest.

Black Bears

Black Bear is another type of bear that you will see mostly in the forests of Alaska. They have an excellent smelling ability but not as good as their hearing ability. Black bears also have extremely good hearing abilities and it is the most helpful skill that they use to defend themselves from any type of danger. They have excellent long-term memory and better navigation skills than humans.

Polar Bears

Polar Bears are not found in the interiors of Alaska, but we still included them on our list. They can only be found within the Arctic Circle. They do not have many predators, but Polar Bears are one of the species whose population is declining due to melting ice caps in the Arctic Circle and decreasing food source because of human’s seals hunting activities.