Nestled on 17 acres in the “backyard” of Sitka, visitors are welcomed to the Raptor Center where you’ll meet and take in the beauty of these incredible birds. Shop their Amazon Wishlist and give a present to one of the winged residents. Volunteer if you’re here for an extended stay, or become a member if you’re a frequent visitor. Or adopt-a-raptor, and help support one of Sitka’s most beloved non-profit organizations and sanctuaries.

Daily visitors are always welcome, and every admission profit goes towards caring for 100 – 200 raptors every year. Medical treatment, food, toys and more require the generous support of enthusiasts and raptor lovers from around the world.

A Real Bird’s Eye View

When you become an adopted “parent” to one of the birds, your help supports the daily care and feeding of these impressive residents. You’ll get an adoption certificate, the bio and photo of your bird, history of the natural area, and a one-year membership to the Raptor Center. Plus, all “parents” get ten percent off at the gift shop.

Teachers also adore the Raptor Center, and educators are welcome to turn the backyard into a classroom. Classes, organizations and businesses also adopt raptors and can receive special educational curriculum to plan lessons on raptors. Visit the Alaska Raptor Center at 1000 Raptor Way.