Alaska has been blessed with generosity from nature and it is packed not only with wildlife but its capital city, Juneau, also has great weather!  The city is situated within the Tongass National Forest, the biggest national forest in the U.S. which is part of the larger Pacific temperate rainforest. Which means, it has a high annual rainfall!

Staying in Juneau City

When planning a tour to Juneau city, you must always bring gear suitable for sudden rainfalls. But of course, it is not always raining in the city. The sun still shines brightly against bluebird skies especially in summer when you can enjoy most of your outdoor tours. Juneau city has an average of 236 days of precipitation and that is why the possibility that it will rain during your visit is relatively high.

The Best Time to Travel

If it is your first visit Juneau, the best time to travel is from May to August. Most tourists find it more convenient to travel around that time because the weather is better and sunny days are longer. Although it is not bad to travel on a typical day in Juneau, it is recommended that you know what to wear depending on the activities you are planning to participate in.

Gear Up for Travel

If you cannot decide on what to wear on your tour, you might just want to layer up. The weather in Juneau changes a lot within an average day. Wear some comfy clothes such as t-shirts, jeans or slacks, or if you easily get hot, you can wear shorts. Things you do not want to forget are your rain jacket and a warm sweater. Anything that you are comfortable with and is easily adjustable according to the weather will do.

On any type of travel, it is especially important to know what to wear and to always be prepared. You cannot go on any battles unprepared, even if your enemy is the weather.