Experience breath taking moments whale watching in Alaskan waters!

Alaska offers the chance to see Humpbacks, Gray whales, Killer whales, Beluga, and other kinds of whales and dolphins.

Here are 6 amazing places you can spot these magnificent creatures:

1. Resurrection Bay

Resurrection Bay is one of the most reliable places to see whale activity. In April and May, you can see gray whales migration paths and in summer you can experience humpback whales feeding.

2. Price William Sound

Price William Sound is the prime place to view humpback whales feeding and resting on the waters surface, sometimes with their calves. Killer whale activity is also not uncommon here, as well as Dall porpoises.

3. Turnagain Arm

You can have the chance to spot the endangered Beluga whale at Turnagain Arm, with the best chance being between July and September. Beluga Point Outlook is a popular stop to watch belugas rolling in the surf as the tide rises.

4. Homer

Regular spottings of Humpback and Killer whales are seen in Homer, as well as various other marine life. Increase your chances of seeing wild life by booking one of the many whale watching tours offered in Homer.

5. Kodiak

Kodiak has been called Alaska’s best kept secret for whale watching with Humpback whales seen all summer and Gray whales in the spring. The Gray whales swim so close to the shoreline that they can be seen from the beaches!

6. Inside Passage

You will be almost guaranteed to see whales in the Inside Passage, so much so that many tours offer a money-back guarantee if you don’t! Humpbacks are known to use the “bubble net” feeding method in these waters. This method involves the Humpback blowing bubbles from it’s blowhole to lure fish in.

Witness the ocean’s friendly giants up close in one of these 6 whale watching areas!