Ooligan Press was the first working general trade publishing house in the country housed within a university and operated as a “teaching press.” Located at Portland State University in Oregon, Ooligan has a knack for picking premium manuscripts out of a mounting slush pile to reveal fantastic literary fiction. Just released is The Ocean in My Ears by Meagan Macvie. Macvie was born and raised in Alaska and holds an MFA in fiction.

Soldotna is so prevalent in her book that the city is nearly a character itself. Merideth “Meri” Miller is a high school senior who sees a black hole for her future. However, the summer before her final year in high school, she faces a sea of changes. Her best friend is with a new boyfriend 24/7, Meri’s grandmother is dying, her brother barely survives an accident, and she has no idea where she’ll go to college.

Supporting Soldotna Artists

The author creates complex characters that are easily relatable. Although Meri is excited about the prospect of leaving Alaska, Soldotna is all she’s ever known. Locals (and visitors!) to the small town will find a slew of easily recognizable landmarks in the book. The first-person narrative offers an immersive experience highlighted by journal entries and exchanged letters.

Set in the 1990s, it’s a great journey into the near past and showcases the best of Soldotna. Support a local artist and check out The Ocean in My Ears.