The popular series is held throughout the summer in Soldotna, with a number of dates in July. It was founded by local Allie Ostrander in 2012 as part of the Caring for Kenai Contest. However, Allie didn’t settle for a silver prize and just an idea—she brought her dream to life. The Salmon Run Series includes over 100 participants, and all are welcome. Races start most Tuesdays behind the Skyview Middle School at 5 p.m. Registration is $15 in person, with a 5k and Kids 1k option (kids pay just $5).

A number of notables have supported the series, like two-time Mount Marathon winner Holly Brooks. The last race of the summer always concludes with a free BBQ for all, but every race in the series is full of fun, laughs and beautiful terrain. It’s the perfect way to see Soldotna from a new perspective, get fit, and meet new people.

Run On

Receive a registration discount when signing up online, and get the latest information on race dates, times and locations. There might be some surprise celebrity guests, and sometimes special events tied to the series are announced right before the date. If you’re looking for a family-friendly way to explore Soldotna, the Salmon Run is for you.