Throughout the year, the Kenai Singers Community Choir hosts performances, shows and special events throughout the Soldotna region. Open to anyone who wishes to sing, including newcomers, this is one of the strongest groups in the region and is directed by Simon Nissen. Hosted by the Kenai High School Choir Room, you’ll want to keep an eye out for choir events throughout July.

You’ll find the group at Flats Bistro, singing patriotic songs throughout the town for the Fourth of July, and if you’re in Soldotna for an extended stay, consider joining the choir and immersing yourself in the community. A welcoming group, it’s the perfect way to connect.

Arts and Culture

The choir is one of many arts- and performance-based options in Soldotna. From the LEGO Club at the library to Music in the Park from Denali Cooks, events are often complemented with food, beer and wine to give guests and locals alike something exciting to do in downtown Soldotna. Don’t miss the All Acoustic Jams at the Kenai Senior Center or The Bow Bar Karaoke every Thursday at 9 p.m.

Soldotna might be small, but it’s rich with options for entertainment and much more. Enjoy everything this quaint community has to offer, from choir performances to summer events designed to bring everyone together.