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Aspen Hotels of Alaska: Our Commitment to Community Through Non-Profit Partnerships

At Aspen Hotels of Alaska, we believe in the power of community and the importance of giving back. We are proud to partner with several non-profit organizations that work tirelessly to support those in need across our great state. By highlighting these partnerships, we hope to raise awareness of the invaluable contributions these organizations make and inspire our guests to join us in making a positive impact.

Our Mission Statement

We are Alaskans supporting Alaska. We support our communities, touch the hearts of our guests, and empower our employees to do the right thing. We provide extraordinarily clean guest rooms, personalized service, and genuine care for your comfort.

Why We Partner with Non-Profits

Our mission is simple: to do well by doing good. We understand that our success is intertwined with the well-being of the communities we serve. By supporting non-profit organizations, we aim to strengthen these communities and provide much-needed resources to those who need them most.

How You Can Help

We invite you to learn more about these organizations and consider how you might contribute. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating, or simply spreading the word, every little bit helps. By visiting their websites through the links provided, you can find out more about their missions and the various ways you can get involved.

Our Partners

We have chosen to collaborate with a variety of non-profits. These partnerships are not just about financial support; they represent a shared commitment to improving lives and fostering a spirit of generosity and compassion. Below, you will find information about our key partners and the incredible work they do.

American Cancer Society Logo

American Cancer Society in Alaska: The mission of the American Cancer Society is to improve the lives of people with cancer and their families through advocacy, research, and patient support, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer.

Let Every Woman Know Logo

Let Every Woman Know: Let Every Woman Know is a nonprofit run by volunteers, two dedicated staff members and a small board of directors, many of whom have been touched by gynecologic cancers. Survivors, family members and friends; physicians and medical professionals; cancer support professionals and compassionate community members are all part of Let Every Woman Know – Alaska.


Victims for Justice Logo

Victims for Justice: Victims for Justice is an independent non-profit working to ensure Alaskans affected by violent crime get the support they need and deserve. We help victims cope with trauma and grief, and ensure victim rights are observed within the judicial system. Victims can heal by becoming champions for their rights, advocating change in the criminal justice system.

VOA Alaska logo

VOA Alaska: VOA Alaska provides a full continuum of care, from education and early intervention, to peer support and care coordination, to mental health therapy, substance use counseling, and family therapy, to supportive housing and residential treatment. As a non-profit, these services are offered at low- or no-cost, and no one is ever turned away due to an inability to pay.

the heart of cabi foundation logo

The Heart of Cabi Foundation: The Heart of Cabi Foundation works to empower women through restoration, transformation, and education. Dignity is restored through the gift of beautiful new clothes amid challenging times. Transform by providing women access to economic opportunity and resources. Education loans for children in Rwanda put them and their families on new trajectories.

Trend Alaska Fashion Show logo

Trend Alaska Fashion Show: Trend Alaska Fashion Show aims to showcase artists and designers throughout the entire state. In its 4th year, Trend Alaska partnered with Victims for Justice. All proceeds from the show were donated to Victims for Justice.

Alaska Run For Women logo

Alaska Run For Women: The mission for Alaska Run For Women is to raise money for and awareness of breast cancer and women’s health, and to showcase the talents of Alaska’s women athletes. This is accomplished through: an annual women’s run/walk event that serves as a vehicle for fundraising, participation, awareness and competition, and grant making to organizations concerned with breast cancer research, education, outreach, prevention and early detection.

LeeShore Center Logo

The LeeShore Center: The mission for The LeeShore Center is to promote healthy families and a violence free community while providing a safe haven for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Our vision is to be an instrument of change on the Kenai Peninsula to create a non-violence community where all individuals are treated with respect and basic human dignity.


Join Us in Making a Difference

We believe that by raising awareness and encouraging active participation, we can collectively make a significant impact. Together, we can support these organizations in their mission to provide vital services and support to those who need it most.

If you would like to volunteer, donate, or have any questions please contact:

Carol C. Fraser
Vice President of Aspen Hotels of Alaska

Thank you for joining Aspen Hotels of Alaska in our commitment to doing well by doing good.

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