The Gold Rush Days is a small-scale annual celebration every second or third weekend of June wherein all the locals and visitors get to participate in various gold mining and logging activities. This simple family event turned into a community celebration that has entertained the people of Juneau for almost thirty years.

The Celebration’s Brief History

Juneau was founded by two gold prospectors, Joseph Juneau and Richard Harris. One of the city’s main source of livelihood is gold mining and logging. The event. Initially a simple family gathering, was started by two Juneau locals, Jerry Harmon and Jim Wilcox.

This social function over time turned into a full-blown celebration and people from the mining and logging communities around Juneau joined in the fun.


Games and Entertainment

The highlights of the Gold Rush Days include mining and logging games and food booths. Locals and visitors alike can participate or spectate in ax throwing, log rolling, jackleg drilling and other competitions. Men and women all compete in their categories to win amazing prizes and bragging rights as champions in these tournaments.

Gold Rush Days 2020

To avoid the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic and to prevent more cases in Juneau, this year’s Gold Rush Days which was supposed to be held from June 20 to 21 was canceled and will resume next June 2021.

Experience a rush of adrenaline as you compete against Juneau champions in the Gold Rush Days and celebrate the city’s mining and logging roots!