We’ve struck gold, over $1 billion to be exact!

Gold seekers traveled many miles in the deadliest parts of Alaska in hopes of striking it rich. Out of 30,000 prospectors, only 4,000 turned their dreams into reality.

Here is the timeline of gold history in Alaska:

1849 – Russian mining engineer, Doroshin, first discovered gold in the Kenai River.

1867 – The sale of Alaska to the United States for $7.2 million because of the difficult living conditions and lack of resources. Little did the Russians know that gold worth over 100 times what they sold Alaska for would be found!

1880- 1893 – Gold was discovered by Americans in Juneau which led to more mining prospectors and gold discoveries in Fortymile River, Crooked Creek, Yukon River, and Pedro Creek.

1896– A plentiful discovery at Bonanza Creek led to The Great Klondike Gold Rush.

1898 – The gold rush is at it’s peak and populations rise as word gets out!

1899 – Gold rush ends.

You can also take a crack at panning on a gold panning tour in Alaska! Try your luck in the most popular gold panning location in Fairbanks or watch prospectors still panning the beaches in Nome.

Roll up those sleeves, you may return home dripping in gold!