Don’t worry, this particular park on the coast isn’t more likely to experience an earthquake than anywhere else in Anchorage. Named after a devastating earthquake in 1964, the disaster shaped the area into a unique landscape where you’ll now find a variety of trails and rich interpretive displays. Also known as the Good Friday Earthquake, it measured at 8.6 on the Richter scale and lasted four full minutes.

Re-named in 1966 to honor those who died in the earthquake, it has a two-mile slide area serving as the biggest remnant of the quake. Full of “bootlegger clay,” the bluffs were naturally unstable, and the Borough which manages the site created trails from Earthquake Park to Pt. Woronzof avoiding the bluffs to maximize ease, safety and enjoyment.

An Autumn Outing

Full of hills and with bluffs ranging up to 30 feet high, you can access the park at the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail. Most of the park has been preserved in its natural, post-quake state, save for some safety measures and additions. The latest interpretive signs were updated in 1997, and it quickly became a popular hiking and biking trail for locals and visitors alike.

Explore over 134 acres, starting at 5101 Point Woronzof Drive/4801 Point Woronzof Drive. October is the last month many visitors are comfortable with hikes and outdoor recreation before winter sets in, and you don’t want to miss out on this unique destination.